Calculation of thermal diapause in PHENIPS-Clim was not correct (difference of one day in comparison to the previous version)
The thermal diapause in PHENIPS-Clim was not triggered if last TRUE was returned before first_diapause_date
The hibernating generations were determined when a mortality event occured before the diapause has started
Stepwise calculations that use a storage could result in additional NAs before
load_phenology() was not working when hibernating generations were not present
Changing the value of onset_mode in PHENIPS-Clim resulted in an error for station data (#3)
plot_development_diagram() generated incorrect plots if a generation was not present in all passed phenology objects on a day when a mortality event occured
New features
PHENIPS-Clim provides the facility to specify an alternative onset calculation. By default, it is used to trigger the onset depending on the cumulative maximum temperature if the standard onset calculation fails.
barrks 1.0.1
CRAN release: 2024-11-04
Minor changes in the documentation (typos, english correction, wrong links)