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A typical application of barrks is to repeatedly calculate a phenology with data on a daily basis. Depending on the model and the number of raster cells, these calculations can be quite time-consuming. As most of the calculations are redundant to earlier versions, the use of a storage can greatly reduce the computation time. A storage can be used by passing a directory as .storage parameter to phenology(). A phenology can be recovered from a storage by calling phenology with .storage parameter and without model inputs.

Note that the use of a storage is neither available for station data nor for the onset and the development submodels of BSO. As saving and loading from the storage takes time as well, the calculation of a phenology might occasionally be slower, especially for small rasters.

# call phenology with a storage path
pheno <- phenology('phenips-clim',
                   .storage = 'path/to/storage')

# recover phenology from a storage path
pheno_recovered <- phenology('phenips-clim', .storage = 'path/to/storage')

The functions save_phenology() and load_phenology() provide a faster way for saving and loading phenology objects, but they do not allow successive calculations.