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The package comes with sample data that allow the application of all models available. The following data sets are available:


barrks_data(dataset = "raster")



Choose the data set that should be returned.


The respective data set. Can be a list of SpatRasters (for dataset = 'raster') or a data frame.


  • raster Contains a list of raster weather datasets for a sample area. The data was taken from Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD).

  • stations Contains sample station weather data for some cities in Germany. The data was taken from Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD). Missing global radiation values were replaced by the mean value of the other stations.

  • station_coords Contains the coordinates (longitude/latitude) of the stations that are included in the stations data set. The data was taken from Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD).


# \donttest{
# plot first layer of the minimum temperature of the sample raster data

# print the first lines of the sample station data
head(barrks_data('stations'), 10)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 9
#>    date       station  tmean  tmin  tmax   rad sunrise sunset daylength
#>    <date>     <chr>    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl>
#>  1 2011-01-01 Freiburg   0.1  -0.4   0.7  228.     499   1006      8.45
#>  2 2011-01-02 Freiburg  -0.1  -3.4   2.2  642.     499   1007      8.47
#>  3 2011-01-03 Freiburg  -3.4  -8.4   0.3 1708.     499   1008      8.48
#>  4 2011-01-04 Freiburg  -3.7  -7.6  -1.4 1194.     499   1009      8.5 
#>  5 2011-01-05 Freiburg  -2.2  -6.5   2.4 1639.     499   1010      8.52
#>  6 2011-01-06 Freiburg   7.8  -2.6  12.8  356.     499   1011      8.53
#>  7 2011-01-07 Freiburg  11.5   9.1  14.9  336.     498   1012      8.57
#>  8 2011-01-08 Freiburg  12.8   7.7  16.2  736.     498   1013      8.58
#>  9 2011-01-09 Freiburg   8.7   4    13.3  169.     498   1015      8.62
#> 10 2011-01-10 Freiburg   2.9   1.9   4.1  397.     497   1016      8.65

# print the coordinates of the sample stations
#> # A tibble: 4 × 3
#>   station     lon   lat
#>   <chr>     <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Freiburg   7.83  48.0
#> 2 Mannheim   8.56  49.5
#> 3 Konstanz   9.13  47.7
#> 4 Stuttgart  9.2   48.8
# }