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This page describes the parameters that can be used to customize BSO. The model was developed by Jakoby et al. (2019) . Look here to find out how to apply the model.



The date, when the degree days start to sum up ('MM-DD').


Base temperature to calculate degree days to trigger the onset.


Degree days that are required before the individuals start regeneration feeding in slot_dia of the maturation stage. When the regeneration feeding has finished, the onset is triggered.


Maturation feeding slot where the individuals start regeneration feeding after diapause.


Factor for the calculation of the phloem temperature.

alpha, tlo, tup

Parameters used to calculate the transition probabilities for each stage (except preflight) in the following order: development, maturation feeding, reproduction.

tfly_min, tfly_max, pfly_max, beta

Parameters used to calculate the transition probabilities for the preflight stage.


Named vector that defines the number of slots for each stage. The development stage is subdivided into the stages egg, larva and pupa.


Probability that a sister brood will be established.


Maturation feeding slot where the individuals start regeneration feeding before they establish a sister brood.


Date when the model ends (no further development will be modeled).


The day of year when the diapause could start at the earliest.


The day of year when the diapause could start at the latest.


The diapause will be initiated when the average daily temperature falls below that value.


In barrks, model() is used to customize a model. The following code illustrates which parameters are available for BSO and specifies their default values.


      # ==== onset ====

      dd_onset_start_date = '01-01',
      dd_onset_base = 5.124198,
      dd_onset_threshold = 100,
      slot_dia = 6,

      # ==== onset + development ====

      k = 2.853738e-02,
      alpha = c(2.549060e-05, 0.0000789, 1.009450e-05),
      tlo = c(-1.297644e+01, 4.760089e+00, -4.424628e+00),
      tup = c(3.600070e+01, 4.002483e+01, 3.999390e+01),
      tfly_min = 16.1064,
      tfly_max = 31.2901,
      pfly_max = 9.863263e-03,
      beta = 1.363763,

      num_slots = c(
        'reproduction' = 11,
        'egg' = 18,
        'larva' = 45,
        'pupa' = 8,
        'maturation' = 8,
        'preflight' = 1

      # ==== development ====

      psis = 2.994450e-01,
      slot_sis = 4,

      model_end_date = '12-30',

      # ==== diapause ====

      diapause_first = 210,
      diapause_last = 232,
      tdia_min = 1.645209e+01


Jakoby O, Lischke H, Wermelinger B (2019). “Climate change alters elevational phenology patterns of the European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus).” Global Change Biology, 25(12), 4048-4063. doi:10.1111/gcb.14766 .