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This page describes the parameters that can be used to customize RITY (also called RITY-2). The model was developed by Ogris et al. (2019) . Look here to find out how to apply the model.



The date, when the degree days start to sum up ('MM-DD').


Degree days that are required to trigger the onset of infestation. Additionally, the maximum temperature must exceed tfly.


Minimum temperature that beetles need to fly.


Base temperature to calculate degree days for development.


Degree days that are required for a generation to fully develop

dev_start, dev_end

Share in total development when the egg development starts and the juvenile beetle's development ends respectively. Usable if the development below/above these thresholds should account for mating, oviposition etc.


Share in the total development, when a sister brood will be established.

dev_mortal_min, dev_mortal_max

The beetles are considered to be in white stages (egg, larva, pupa) if their development exceeds dev_mortal_min and subceeds dev_mortal_max. During these stages, the beetles could die due to a mortality event. NULL means that no lower/upper threshold is defined.

func_ftmean, func_ftmax, func_atdiff

Functions to caclulate the air temperature in forest stands (see Ogris et al. 2019 , equations 1 - 3). Each parameter will be passed as SpatRaster:

  • tmin: min air temperature

  • tmean: mean air temperature

  • tmax: maximum air temperature

func_btmean, func_btmax, func_btdiff

Functions to caclulate the bark temperature (see Ogris et al. 2019 , equations 4 - 6). Each parameter will be passed as SpatRaster:

  • ftmin: min air temperature in forest stands

  • ftmean: mean air temperature in forest stands

  • ftmax: maximum air temperature in forest stands

dt_low, dt_up, topt, tmax, alpha, beta, gamma

Parameters to calculate the effective bark temperature (see Ogris et al. 2019 , equations 7 - 9).


Date when the model ends (no further development will be modeled).


When the daylength falls below this threshold, diapause will be initiated.


Date when all white stages (egg, larva, pupa) die.


In barrks, model() is used to customize a model. The following code illustrates which parameters are available for RITY and specifies their default values.


      # ==== onset ====

      dd_onset_start_date = '03-07',
      dd_onset_base = 8.3,
      dd_onset_threshold = 155.6,

      # ==== onset + development ====

      tfly = 14.5,

      # ==== development ====

      dd_development_base = 8.3,
      dd_total_dev = 557,
      dev_start = 0,
      dev_end = 1,
      dev_sister_brood = 0.5,
      dev_mortal_min = NULL,
      dev_mortal_max = 0.6,

      func_ftmin = function(tmin) { 1.44 + 0.82 * tmin },
      func_ftmean = function(tmean) { 0.50 + 0.81 * tmean },
      func_ftmax = function(tmax) { 1.03 + 0.86 * tmax },

      func_btmin = function(ftmin) { 0.56 + 0.99 * ftmin },
      func_btmean = function(ftmean) { -0.48 + 1.03 * ftmean },
      func_btmax = function(ftmax) { 0.03 + 0.99 * ftmax },

      dt_low = 8.3,
      dt_up = 38.9,
      topt = 30.4,
      tmax = 40.9958913,
      alpha = 0.02876507,
      beta = 3.5922336,
      gamma = 1.24657367,

      model_end_date = '10-31',

      # ==== diapause ====

      daylength_dia = 14.5,

      # ==== mortality ====

      mortality_date = '10-31'


Ogris N, Ferlan M, Hauptman T, Pavlin R, Kavčič A, Jurc M, De Groot M (2019). “RITY--A phenology model of Ips typographus as a tool for optimization of its monitoring.” Ecological Modelling, 410, 108775. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2019.108775 .