In barrks
, model()
is used to customize a model. Here, the parameters are
described that can be used to customize PHENIPS-Clim. The model
is currently unpublished. This manual will be updated as soon as a
publication is available. Look here to find
out how to apply the model.
- dd_onset_start_date
The date, when the degree days start to sum up ('MM-DD').
- dd_onset_base
Base temperature to calculate degree days to trigger the onset.
- onset_func
Function with the SpatRasters
(maximum temperature) anddd_tmax
(degree days of maximum temperature) as parameters. The function should returnTRUE
when the base onset is triggered. Seeonset_add_dd
for the actual onset of infestation.- dd_onset_alt_start_date, dd_onset_alt_base, onset_alt_func
Alternative way to calculate the diapause (see
). The first of both onset variants will be used. Setonset_alt_func = NULL
to disable the alternative onset calculation.- onset_add_dd
Vector of options to calculate the actual onset of infestation. The vector should be named after the share of beetles that already started breeding when the onset is triggered (choose an option via
phenology(..., onset_mode = [option])
when applying the model). The values specify the degree days that are required starting at the first positive return value ofonset_func
.- tfly
Minimum temperature that beetles need to fly.
- dd_total_dev
Degree days that are required for a generation to fully develop
- dev_oviposition
Named numeric vector of shares in the total development when the oviposition is finished. The vector should be named after the share of beetles that should be taken into account (choose an option via
phenology(..., oviposition_mode = [option])
when applying the model).- dev_end
Share in total development when the juvenile beetle's development ends. Usable if the development above this threshold should account for mating, oviposition etc.
- dev_sister_brood
Share in the total development, when a sister brood will be established.
- dev_mortal_min, dev_mortal_max
The beetles are considered to be in white stages (egg, larva, pupa) if their development exceeds
and subceedsdev_mortal_max
. During these stages, the beetles could die due to a mortality event.NULL
means that no lower/upper threshold is defined.- topt
Temperature for optimal development.
- func_btmean, func_btmax, func_btdiff
Functions to calculate the bark temperatures (see Baier et al. 2007 , equations A.3 to A.5). Each parameter will be passed as SpatRaster:
: mean air temperaturetmax
: maximum air temperaturerad
: radiationbtmax
: maximum bark temperature
- dev_rates
Data frame that specifies the development rates per day depending on the mean temperature and the temperature amplitude. Column names are the mean temperatures and row names the temperature amplitudes both with one decimal place. base onset (see
) to trigger the actual onset.- model_end_date
Date when the model ends (no further development will be modeled).
- first_diapause_date
Date before which an initiation of the diapause is impossible ('MM-DD').
- diapause_thermal_func
Function to calculate the initiation of the diapause if the model was applied using
phenology(..., diapause_mode = 'thermal')
. The diapause will be initiated the last time when the function returnsTRUE
.- daylength_dia
When the daylength falls below this threshold, diapause will be initiated if the model was applied using
phenology(..., diapause_mode = 'photoperiodic')
.- tlethal
Temperature threshold below which white stages will die.
In barrks
, model()
is used to customize a model. The following code
illustrates which parameters are available for PHENIPS-Clim and specifies their
default values.
# ==== onset ====
dd_onset_start_date = '03-01',
dd_onset_base = 12,
onset_func = \(tmax, dd_tmax) {
0.564071 * tmax + 0.006434 * dd_tmax - 12.37046 > 0
dd_onset_alt_start_date = '04-01',
dd_onset_alt_base = 8.3,
onset_alt_func = \(tmax, dd_tmax) dd_tmax >= 140,
onset_add_dd = c('0.1' = 0, '0.5' = 90, '0.9' = 190),
# ==== development ====
tfly = 16.5,
dd_total_dev = 557,
dev_oviposition = c('0.1' = 0.1,
'0.5' = 0.15,
'0.9' = 0.26),
dev_end = 1,
dev_sister_brood = 0.3,
dev_mortal_min = NULL,
dev_mortal_max = 0.6,
topt = 30.4,
func_btmean = function(tmean, rad) {
-0.173 + 0.0008518 * rad + 1.054 * tmean
func_btmax = function(tmax, rad) {
1.656 + 0.002955 * rad + 0.534 * tmax + 0.01884 * tmax ^ 2
func_btdiff = function(tmax) {
(-310.667 + 9.603 * tmax) / 24
# dev_rates too large to show here, type `params('phenips-clim')$dev_rates`
# to get the dev_rates that are used by default
# dev_rates = matrix(...),
model_end_date = '12-31',
# ==== diapause ====
first_diapause_date = '08-12',
diapause_thermal_func = function(daylength, tmax) {
0.8619156 * daylength + 0.5081128 * tmax - 23.63691 > 0
daylength_dia = 14.5,
# ==== mortality ====
tlethal = -5
Baier P, Pennerstorfer J, Schopf A (2007). “PHENIPS—A comprehensive phenology model of Ips typographus (L.)(Col., Scolytinae) as a tool for hazard rating of bark beetle infestation.” Forest Ecology and Management, 249(3), 171--186. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2007.05.020 .
See also
, phenology()
, model.phenips_clim.apply
Other model customizations: